Getting started
Guides and reference materials to help you get started and integrate your use of the Token Platform.
Get started with the Token platform
The ultimate goal of 'TOKEN' is to develop an experimental ecosystem to enable the adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies and to prove its value, via highly replicable Use Cases, as a driver for the transformation of public services towards an open and collaborative government model approach.
Token's Developer Platform offer a developer friendly set of plug-and-play services and open-source components for building decentralized apps and services.
This section can help you get acquainted with the current platform organization, explains how to get access to the different tools and endpoints, and provides additional resources that can help you build with the Token Services and APIs.
How the platform is organized
The Token developer platform is organized into four different categories, based on use case and services/products.
We have put together a different page for each product to help you get started, which you can access below:
Blockchain-based Notarization
On-Chain anchoring
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Canis Major Blockchain Adaptor (FIWARE)
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LedgerSync (FIWARE)
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Distributed and Decentralized Storage
Token Storage Network
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IPFS Web Gateway
IPFS Storage & Pinning Service
Decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity
Token Connect
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Events and Message Streaming
Token Streams
Documentation organization
Our technical documentation has separate sections to help you work with each of these different services. In each section, you will find the API references, and other resources to help you get started.
All the services APIs share similar fundamentals, and even include some common endpoint functionality. These shared concepts are discussed in the platform fundamentals section, including the following:
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